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- XIQ - A Game of Lines and Traps
- Made by Shawn McGrath (shawn@rsblsb.com)
- http://www.rsblsb.com
- Made in 3 days at the Toronto Game Jam
- Started May 4th 8pm, completed May 6th 8pm
- http://www.tojam.ca
- Music By:
- The Vulcan Dub Squad: http://www.thevulcandubsquad.com
- Jon Mak: http://www.queasygames.com
- Sound Effects by:
- Kenta Cho: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs8k-cyu/index_e.html
- All game works except music, sound effects and fonts are
- Copyright (c) 2007 - Shawn McGrath
- Please read Licence.txt for more information
- Work done after 3 days, (just to be fair ;):
- Fixed next song not playing bug
- Fixed random song bug
- Fixed mild input bug
- Moved borders in a small amount to prevent them from being cutoff
- Stopped the triangles from penetrating lines when freezing
- Added pause